English page is now available! 英語のページができました。


Thanks to you, we now have a website in English.

There is also an introduction to the Korean version of the book.
We hope you enjoy it.

Japan Association for Tidying and Organizing Family Homes

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Click here for details 詳細はこちら

Japan Association for Tidying and Organizing Family Homes


Changing the relationship between things, time, and people through tidying.

We aim to increase people’s satisfaction with life through tidying up their family homes.
We provide easy and safe tidying methods that respond to the changes of the 100-year life cycle.

Aya Watanabe’s book “The Basics of Tidying Up” was published in Korean.
The Korean version was published. (May, 2021)




Have you ever returned home after a long absence to find your home a messy mess in a place where you thought you would feel at ease? Have you ever had such an experience?

There’s something cluttered and uncomfortable about ・・・・.
You’ve been putting it off, thinking, “I’ll get to it.
It’s a good thing I’m not the only one.
However, as a result of procrastination, one day a huge amount of packing will fall on the middle-aged child. ……

This is an example of a common consultation about tidying up the family home.

As a “family home tidying advisor,” I provide consultation to children whose parents are old and worried about tidying up their parents’ home, as well as to their parents themselves for their own living arrangement.
In an aging society with a declining birthrate, it is becoming commonplace for each person to clean up two or three houses, including grandparents’ and uncles’ houses as well as parents’ and in-laws’ houses.

In my courses, children in their seventies sometimes come to learn “elderly tidying” for their parents in their nineties.
It’s no laughing matter.

Every parent-child relationship is different.
Some people become estranged due to circumstances, and after their parents pass away, they decide to renounce their inheritance.

Of course, you can renounce your rights, but the process is time-consuming and you are still responsible for managing the property until it is resolved. In addition, it is a high risk to leave the entire family home unattended.

Also, even though you are estranged from your parents, your relationship with them is different from that of a friend who you don’t have to see if you have a quarrel. Many people weep with regret when they see the large amount of belongings left behind in the empty house after their parents have gone.

What is the need to clean up the family home?
It is to create a system where parents can stay healthy, safe and secure.
The purpose is not to store the house neatly or to make it look like a model room.

Tidying up your parents’ house is not the same as tidying up your own house at your own will.

Psychologically, it can be said to be the most difficult of all tidying up in the sense that you have to proceed with tidying up in a relationship that is not a stranger.
However, the structure of today’s society places a heavy burden on the family.

In a world overflowing with things, the responsibility of owning things also comes into play.
From now on, it will become a new manner of living, like the SDGs, to pass on to the next generation.

We need to aim at tidying up not only for ourselves or for our things, but also for the happiness of ourselves and others.

Just because we are parents and children does not mean that we have to force ourselves to get along.

Tidying up cannot be solved if it is viewed as an extension of household chores, to be done only by family members.
In addition, in the case of “tidying up for the elderly,” it is necessary to have the skills to clean up with the help of others.

In such a situation, our association hopes to help those who are struggling with tidying up, and we offer a special course on “tidying up the family home. Our tidying service aims to be a reliable service that can be used by such families.
Tidying up your parents’ home is a way to look back on your upbringing and history, and to take stock of your life and belongings.

We provide the most common way to clean up your parents’ house while keeping an appropriate distance from them and valuing both your life and theirs.

The program aims to be a gentle know-how for those who are not good at tidying up, so that they can tidy up not only their parents’ house but also their own home.

Why don’t you start with what you can do, together with your friends?
We support you who want to tidy up.

Representative Director Aya Watanabe

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